What are the most dangerous natural disasters the UK is facing?

 It might not seem like it but the UK has a lot to worry about when it comes to natural disasters, but it does. Below are what I think are the most dangerous.

At the top is Coastal Erosion. The UK has a history of struggles with coastal erosion, particularly along its southern and eastern shores. More and more settlements are placed along coastlines and this is especially worrisome because they risk losing their properties to unstable coastal cliffs. The UK does not have lengthy sandy beaches (arguably one of the best ways to combat coastal erosion) and instead loses a lot of their coast to the high and destructive ocean waves. With the rising of ocean levels due to climate change, we expect to see more trends like these to continue. 

Next, flooding! The UK experiences a lot more flooding than I anticipated but it also makes quite a bit of sense since they are surrounded by water on all boundaries as an island. The most recent flood in the UK was only a couple weeks ago on February 22 following 2 other storms with massive flooding just a couple days before this one. Prevention measures helped many properties withstand the rising water levels even as they reach major highs. Several hundred homes had to be evacuated, mostly those in close proximity to rivers, which are more prone to overflowing and floods. This recent storm, Franklin, took 3 lives and left 1.4 million homes with no electricity.

Last but not least, wildfires. It is no mystery that the Earth is warming up to average temperatures not seen ever before in our past. It makes sense that as temperatures rise and lands get drier and drier that that would then increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Although the UK has many programs to help reduce their carbon footprint, the same efforts are not seen worldwide. Because of this, climate change will continue to be an issue for years to come and the increase in wildfires and droughts will be an issue for the UK regardless of whether they reach their goal of becoming a net zero carbon emission nation. 

The UK has done quite a bit to help fight the causes of the risks above, which for the most part is all rooted back to climate change. 

The work done and the work to be done is fantastic from this angle. The UK’s efforts to reduce their carbon footprint is well on its way to becoming an exemplary country for others to follow, but the UK is falling behind on combative behavior. By this I mean that the UK’s efforts to fight climate change doesn’t mean that they stop feeling the effects of climate change. They are falling behind on efforts to help mitigate the losses of property and life affected by things like coastal erosion, wildfires, and soil subsidence (among other things). 

What are some of the changes I’d think should be top priority? 

(Not in any particular order)

1. Training and updated equipment for the fire and rescue teams in the UK. 

why? As temperatures are rising with climate change, the frequency and intensity of wildfires will be of major concern in the not so far future. Firefighters from this country don’t have the necessary people, tools, or training to fight such extreme and frequent wildfires. This needs to change. Not only that but with soil subsidies comes… you guessed it, insecure infrastructure. The fire and rescue teams are not able to handle this effectively yet. 

2. Halting coastal building.

why? The island is losing its coasts! Putting buildings on them not only puts the building and people in them at risk, but it also does nothing to help the coastal erosion crisis that has been occurring because of rising sea levels due to climate change. 

3. Educate the public on how they can help themselves and their home.

why? People in great numbers can do a lot to help themselves and their communities. They can be in contact with friends, neighbors, and family and come up with a plan for when these natural disasters occur. The biggest priority for any area is to help lower casualties, especially during floods and wildfires. The NOAA’s website has some great tips on how to be prepared for natural disasters.


  1. Nice final summary. Where would you live (and avoid) in that country? And which sources you used?


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