
Showing posts from March, 2022

Floods and Mass Wasting

Landslides in the UK On an island with a high population and large quantity of mountains, landslides are bound to cause destruction of property and loss of lives. The UK is no exception to that. In fact, 18,000 landslides have been documented since the 1970’s with over 100 lives taken from these natural disasters. Each dot on the map below is a documented landslide that is being updated with every new occurrence by the British Geological Survey National Landslide Database .  Why do landslides occur? Landslides can occur with different materials, in different directions, at different speeds, and with varies degrees of destruction. The diagram below can help you differentiate between the different kinds of landslides present all over the world. In order to study the differences between all of these landslides, The BGS National Landslide Database records: age damage caused full bibliographic reference location movement date name size/dimensions trigger type Preventative measures It’s no