
Showing posts from January, 2022

Where is the UK?

 Picture of The United Kingdom’s location on a world map As the United States’ closest partner, both the US and the UK work together in diplomatic relations and have put forth numerous efforts to combat terrorism, poverty, and nuclear warfare through mutual destruction. With a population of over 68 million people, the UK is the 22nd most populated country in the world. Impressive for its size. One of the wealthiest countries in the world with a U.S. Dollar currently equaling to only 0.75 UK pounds. Quite astonishing considering how heavily the US Dollar is weighed in most parts of the world.  Their sovereign, head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. Fun fact about her, even without a passport she has traveled all around the world. She is one of few existing royalties left in the modern world. A true gem. The Queen as of January 2022 is 95 years old. A symbol of long life and prosperity sure to live long past her years on earth.